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Through the years

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  • 2010 NPT RevCon final document outlines ‘practical steps’ towards implementing the 1995 Resolution on the Middle East

    Row 72
  • US National Security Advisor issues a statement about the Middle East section of 2010 NPT RevCon final document

  • US objects to the “singling out” of Israel in the final document of the 2010 NPT RevCon and warns it jeopardizes the prospects of convening a ME WMDFZ conference

    Row 73
  • League of Arab States Ministerial Council decides to coordinate the Arab position ahead of the 2012 ME WMDFZ conference

    Row 75
  • League of Arab States Ministerial Council adopts the recommendations of the Senior Officials Committee’s first meeting

  • League of Arab States Council of Foreign Ministers expresses concern about the lack of progress in implementing the 2010 decision to convene a ME WMDFZ conference by 2012

    Row 77
  • League of Arab States Council of Foreign Ministers resolution reaffirm the UN Secretary General’s role in preparing for the 2012 ME WMDFZ conference

    Row 78
  • Arab Group refrains from putting the draft resolution on “Israeli nuclear capabilities” to a vote at the IAEA General Conference

    Row 79
  • Facilitator and host government of the 2012 ME WMDFZ conference are appointed

    Row 80
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    IAEA holds a forum looking at lessons learned from nuclear-weapon-free zones for establishing such a zone in the Middle East

    Row 81
  • League of Arab States Council summit decision describes the 2012 ME WMDFZ conference as a crossroads

    Row 82
  • Russia submits a new draft of the “Application of IAEA safeguards in the Middle East” resolution at the IAEA General Conference

    Row 83
  • 2012 ME WMDFZ conference is postponed

  • League of Arab States criticizes decision to postpone the 2012 ME WMDFZ conference

  • Arab Group working paper at the 2013 NPT PrepCom calls for holding the postponed conference in 2013

    Row 86
  • Facilitator delivers remarks and submits his report at the 2013 NPT PrepCom

    Row 87
  • Egyptian delegation walks out of 2013 NPT PrepCom in protest over the lack of progress on the ME WMDFZ

    Row 88
  • Facilitator sends letters inviting to hold informal consultations in Vienna on the postponed 2012 ME WMDFZ conference

  • Facilitator and co-conveners meet with regional states separately in Vienna to coordinate the informal consultations process

  • Israel sends a letter to the facilitator reiterating its willingness to participate in the informal consultation process

  • Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy proposes an initiative to address the WMD threats in the region in a UN General Assembly speech

    Row 92
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    2013-2014 The informal consultations in Glion and Geneva

  • Arab Group calls for holding the postponed 2012 ME WMDFZ conference within 180 days of the conclusion of the 2015 NPT RevCon

  • Israel submits a non-paper on regional dialogue in the Middle East at the 2015 NPT RevCon

  • Russia introduces a working paper at the 2015 NPT RevCon calling for holding the postponed ME WMDFZ conference no later than March 2016

  • 2015 NPT RevCon ends without consensus on a final document

  • A group of Arab states introduces a separate working paper at the 2017 NPT PrepCom

  • League of Arab States Ministerial Council adopts SOC action plan for the implementation of 1995 Resolution on the Middle East

  • US working paper at the 2018 NPT PrepCom says that the NPT “cannot be the primary mechanism for progress” on the ME WMDFZ

    Row 113
  • UN Secretary-General’s Disarmament Agenda pledges support for establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones, including in the Middle East

    Row 114
  • UN General Assembly draft decision on convening a ME WMDFZ is put before the First Committee

  • Consensus on the “Establishment of a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East” resolution at the UN General Assembly is broken

    Row 116
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    First session of the Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other WMD is held at the UN in New York