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UNIDIR Homepage | Middle East WMD-Free Zone Digital Tools: Document Depository / Timeline / Compass

ME WMDFZ Documents Depository

The ME WMDFZ Project is carried out with funding by the European Union

Title Year Origin Type
Statement by the League of Arab States at the 4th session of the conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and other WMD 2023 League of Arab States Statement
LAS Ministerial Council Resolution 8251 2018 League of Arab States Resolution
LAS letter to the facilitator regarding progress on convening a conference 2015 League of Arab States Letter
LAS letter to the facilitator confirming willingness to participate in an official meeting in Geneva 2015 League of Arab States Letter
LAS letter to the Facilitator regarding the upcoming 2015 NPT RevCon 2015 League of Arab States Letter
League of Arab States Council Meeting Resolution 7748 on Standing Agenda Item "Establishment of Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and other WMD in the Middle East." 2014 League of Arab States Resolution
LAS letter to the facilitator regarding issues recently discussed 2014 League of Arab States Letter
Working paper by Iraq on implementation of the 1995 Resolution on the Middle East 2014 NPT, Iraq, League of Arab States Working Paper
LAS email to the Facilitator regarding progress on the consultations 2014 League of Arab States Letter
LAS letter to the Facilitator regarding participation in the upcoming Geneva consultation 2014 League of Arab States Letter
LAS letter to the Facilitator confirming participation in the upcoming Geneva consultation 2014 League of Arab States Letter
LAS letter to the Facilitator regarding the Second Consultation 2013 League of Arab States Letter
LAS Senior Officials Committee response to the Facilitator's November 2013 proposal in "Sandra's List" 2013 League of Arab States Non-paper
LAS Resolution 7718 2013 League of Arab States Resolution
LAS letter to the Facilitator regarding upcoming consultations 2013 League of Arab States Letter
LAS non-paper prepared following the Second Glion Consultation 2013 League of Arab States Non-paper
Letter from LAS-SG to the Facilitator Requesting a Formal Paper Listing the Facilitator's Proposals for the Consultations. 2013 League of Arab States Letter
LAS Res. 7580 on "The united Arab position regarding the postponemnt of the 2012 conference on establishing a zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East" 2013 League of Arab States Resolution
Letter from LAS and the Senior Officials Committee (SOC) to Laajava Reiterating the Arab Criteria for the Consultations. 2013 League of Arab States Letter
Working paper by the UAE on implementation of the 1995 Resolution on the Middle East 2012 NPT, United Arab Emirates, League of Arab States Working Paper