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Statement by France at the 4th session of the conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and other WMD

Statement by France at the 4th session of the conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and other WMD

The statement emphasizes France’s support for an ME WMDFZ and their delivery systems and expresses its commitment to implement the 1995 resolution. France condemns the terrorist attacks by Hamas and asserts Israel’s right to defend itself within the framework of international law. France expresses concern about the civilian casualties and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and calls for a humanitarian ceasefire. The statement expresses concern about Iran’s nuclear escalation and calls on Iran to halt its nuclear activities in violation of the JCPOA and cooperate with the IAEA. The statement emphasizes that the treaty should cover all WMDs and their delivery systems. In addition, France strongly condemns the repeated use of chemical weapons in Syria and therefore mobilized CWC State Parties to partially suspend Syria’s rights at the OPCW in 2021. France also expressed concern regarding the use of potential WMD delivery systems by non-state actors and the transfer of missile technologies and called on all states to adhere to the MTCR guidelines. It notes that the ME WMDFZ must be verifiable and must adhere to and implement key nuclear proliferation instruments such as the NPT and CTBT and the adoption of the IAEA Additional Protocol and IAEA safeguards.