The memorandum is a response to a background document submitted by the OPCW to the Conference on the 19th of October 2023, The memorandum clarifies Syria's position that the Declaration Assessment Team (DAT) was formed with the approval of Syria to assist and ensure compliance with the CWC, and discussions are still ongoing, and no conclusion has been reached. The statement notes that the background document by the OPCW overlooks Syria's announcement at the 104th Executive Council session where it agreed to the 25th round of consultations. Syria expressed surprise that the Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) was mentioned despite being expired for 6 years and criticised its lack of professionalism, reliance on open sources and information provided by terrorist organizations leading to unreliable outcomes. Syria rejects the outcomes of the OPCW-UN JIM and does not recognize its legitimacy. Regarding the Investigation and Identification Team (IIT), Syria noted that other countries' hostilities against Syria pushed for the establishment of the IIT outside the OPCW legal framework and Syria rejects its finding and does not recognize its authority, nor legitimacy.