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Statement by France at the 2nd Session of the Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other WMD

Statement by France at the 2nd Session of the Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other WMD

The statement emphasises France's commitment to the establishment of a ME WMDFZ. It highlights France's active engagement for the implementation of the 1995 resolution and support to ensure the universalization of non-proliferation instruments. It also mention's its support to UNIDIR's work. It highlights key elements to establish a ME WMDFZ notably the need for an inclusive process. The statement emphasises the importance of preserving the JCPOA and expresses concern over Iran's nuclear activities. France highlights the need to address all WMD and delivery systems as well as condemns the repeated use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime. It also supports the universalization of the BWC notably within the region and emphasises the need to address the proliferation of WMD delivery systems. It finally outlines key elements to the Zone and its verification, including a full adherence to the NPT, CTBT, BWC and CWC as well as the implementation of export controls and other concrete regional non-proliferation measures.