IAEA issues a report on the “Application of Safeguards in the Middle East” identifying categories of obligations for a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East

Pursuant to resolution GC(XXXV)/RES/571 on the “Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East” The IAEA Director-General issued a report in which he identified possible obligations pursuant to a Middle East nuclear weapon-free zone agreement. Three categories of obligations were identified: First, those precluding research and development (R&D) on and the possession, acquisition, manufacture or stationing of nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices. Second, those precluding R&D on and the production, importing or stockpiling of weapons-usable materials and requiring the disclosure of all nuclear activities, including R&D, imports, exports and production. Third, those requiring the application of safeguards to all nuclear material, installations and relevant equipment and non-nuclear material.
Photo credit: IAEA
IAEA Director General Hans Blix addressing the UN General Assembly. April 22, 1996