Egypt puts forth additional proposals for progress on the ME WMDFZ

In a letter to the UN Secretary General, Egypt suggested additional measures “designed to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on efforts to reduce armaments in [the] region and, in particular, to accelerate the establishment of the Middle East as a zone free of weapons of mass destruction.” The measures included calling on states in the region to declare their commitment not to use, produce or acquire nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and to take measures to address their delivery systems. Further measures included a call on the states of the region to accede to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, the chemical and biological weapons conventions and subject all their nuclear facilities to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s safeguards and to accept the assignment of an international body to verify the future arms control and disarmament agreements.
The letter also stated Egypt’s intention to make direct contact with the main parties concerned to these proposed measures and way to implement them.
Photo credit: UN Photo/John Isaac
The delegation of Egypt, headed by Ambassador Sherif Omar (Right), attends the 45th session of the General Assembly. October 04, 1990